Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Standout Students

Today the seniors who have spent the last month out on senior project came back to present their project and share their experiences. I didn’t have as much time as I had hoped to be able to visit each student’s table and listen to their stories, but everything I saw and those kids that I did have a chance to talk to impressed me greatly with their internships. They definitely seemed to have a lot of positive things to say about senior project and were thankful that they had participated. I had several students participate including Loren Cellentani, Brian Blum, Emily Armstrong (all pictured below L to R with Sue Bobson, a parent and Emily Armstrong’s site supervisor for her internship), Nick Beattie, Elena Colegrove, Dani Bushey, Jenny Coppola, and Nai-Kwan Cheung were among “my” students participating in senior project. (For the record, I very well may have had more students that participated, but it is late and I am tired and can’t remember anyone else off the top of my head – sorry!)

After school today was also “Gap Day.” Current 8th graders (soon to be freshmen at WKHS) from both McCord and Perry Middle Schools were invited to WKHS to participate in a fun afternoon of activities and team building. This project was dreamed up, planned, and carried out by a group of 7 WKHS students who were participating in a leadership training seminar. Four of the 7 planners were “my” students including Brooke Dahn, Becca Alexander, Chandel Charles, and Joe Donovan. They planned a great time for the 8th graders and clearly demonstrated their leadership abilities. Congratulations on a nice event!

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