Thursday, May 29, 2008

Senior Reminders

Congratulations Seniors! You have made it through high school! I am so happy for you. There are a few details that you need to be sure that you take care of before graduation on Sunday...

1. You must request your Final Transcript to be sent to your college. Stop in the Counseling and Career Center and fill out a yellow transcript release form (just like you did earlier this year when applying to college for the first time) and give the completed form with $2.00 to Mrs. Hoyt. After all of your final grades are in the computer, she will send your final transcript to your requested college.

2. Tomorrow morning is graduation rehearsal. This is a mandatory meeting! It is a long morning so be prepared for that, but it is one step closer to graduation.

3. Tomorrow evening is the Baccaulaureate at St. Joan of Arc church. The ceremony begins at 7:30pm with the music starting at 7pm.

4. Just a general reminder that applies to students of every grade - this Saturday the guys lacrosse team will be competing at home in the Regional Championship at 5:00pm! Good luck! The boys volleyball team will also be in competition on Saturday and if they win the good news is that they will be in the state semi-final game, but the bad news is that the game is the same time as graduation so they will have to miss graduation. I hope you play well! And finally good luck to the track and field athletes who will continue in the Regional competition tomorrow night. Run Fast! :-)

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