Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A letter to "my" seniors

Today was the last official day of classes for the seniors. The next two days are filled with senior exams marking the end of high school. Below is a note to all of my seniors...
To “My” Seniors ~

Wow, what a year it has been… I cannot believe you have already reached the end of your high school career and it is time for me to say good-bye and wish you luck as you head off to the wonderful days ahead in college and life after high school. This year absolutely flew by for me. This may sound strange to you since for the last two years you were *stuck* with me as your counselor simply based upon your last name, but I want to thank you for allowing me to have the honor of joining you on this journey! I am so inspired, amazed, impressed, and proud of the men and women you are and all that you have accomplished. There is so much I will miss about you next year. For example, I will miss the students who drop by my office to visit pretty much every day even if just for a moment to say hi. I will miss walking through the halls and getting the small acknowledgements of a head nod or a quick wave and a hello. Teasing you about “cheating” on the Rubik’s cube or other puzzles in my office and watching as the Jolly Rancher candies disappeared by the handful will also be moments I remember fondly. I will miss how easily some of you were able to make me laugh and also the thoughtful random acts of kindness that you have shared over the last two years. I will miss coming to your tables in the commons to check in – although not so much on missing the chasing to complete applications or the editing of essays … :-) Sitting in the stands, I will miss how quick many of you were to say hello (even if you were with all of your friends) and, of course, I will also miss those moments when I would catch your eye on the field, court, or pool deck and see your smile. But most of all I will miss you – hearing about your day and what is going on in your life. For me, these moments meant the most - they capture the essence of who you are and have forever placed you in my heart. Always remember that I am behind you and that I believe in you!

With love and gratitude,
Miss Abbott

PS - I hope that you will stay in touch periodically in the future to let me know about your new adventures in life.

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