Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Few Details

It's already Novemeber and you have officially survived the 1st nine weeks of the school year. Just a reminder, tomorrow is a late start day so you don't start school until 9:30. Enjoy sleeping in... except for the Sophomores - who I will see bright and early for the PLAN test. :-)

For my Juniors and Seniors - I will be busy until at least 11:30 or 12:00 tomorrow administering the PLAN test and then cleaning up after the test... so if you need to see me, please plan to stop by in the afternoon.

As promised last night, here are two pictures of my adorable niece and nephew. Carly dressed up as a "beautiful long blonde haired pink princess" and Cole was Superman. They are coming to town tonight and I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. Although, since I have no voice, I am not sure that I will be all that much fun.

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