Saturday, November 3, 2007

Weekend Update

Hopefully you are enjoying a relaxing weekend and today’s great weather. I am sure John Batchelder and the Boy’s Soccer team members are disappointed that they didn’t win today, but I am still so proud of all of you!

Speaking of John Batchelder, he is featured as the Dispatch Athlete of the Week in today’s paper.

I had fun with my niece and nephew today – without a doubt the highlight is that Cole (my nephew) can now say my name. Friday while I was at school he picked up one of my shoes from the treadmill and told my sister, “Aunt Bri’s shoe.” Prior to that Cole had not even attempted to say my name… not that I hadn’t tried to teach him. :-) Today he would say it on command. It’s great!

Looking forward to an extra hour of sleep tonight… don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour.

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