Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone had a great day today and that you aren't eating too much candy. :-) Is there such a thing? I was able to talk to my niece on the phone for a little bit tonight and she had fun trick-or-treating. She was a princess and my nephew was Superman. (He refuses to wear any hats so they had to find a costume that wouldn't involve his head or face... so Superman it was.) I will share pictures as soon as my sister is able to send them to me.

I cannot believe that tomorrow is already November and the end of the 1st nine weeks has arrived. Time is flying past. I know a lot of you are swamped with the end of the 9 weeks assignments and tests - hang in there - you've almost made it. I had a great time seeing some of the mousetrap cars in action yesterday! I know that they were a frustrating pain for many of you, but it was fun to watch.

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