Sunday, March 2, 2025

Lunch & Learn: Coping Skills

The WKHS Counselors will be hosting our next Lunch and Learn Series for parents this Friday, March 7th.  This session will provide information about Coping Skills.

As a reminder, the lunch and learns are brief presentations on a particular topic over zoom during lunch time so that parents/ guardians can join and listen in from home or work while eating their lunch.  The goal is that the presentation will take about 15 minutes and then that will give about 15 minutes for any other questions that families might have that we could address as a whole group.  We are excited about this opportunity to leverage technology and to meet families where they are so that you can get the most up to date information that we can share with you.

The session will begin at noon on Friday, March 7th.  The zoom link will be emailed to all parents and we will also post the link on the Counselor Website on Friday morning.

We know that supporting your son or daughter to deal with the stressors of high school can be overwhelming at times, so I hope you will make plans to join us online over zoom so we can help review useful, timely coping skills that you and your child can put to use immediately.

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