Monday, October 7, 2024

PSAT Reminder

Don't forget - tomorrow is the day when many Kilbourne sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT.  

If you are one of the students who will be taking the PSAT, you will report directly to your testing location at your designated testing time.  (For most students, that will be the gym in the morning- 8:30 check in for an 8:40 start.  Juniors will primarily be in the main gym and sophomores will primarily be in the aux gym.)  You will need to bring your student id with you in order to check in.  One of my most important reminders is do NOT forget your FULLY CHARGED district issued chromebook!  If you haven't already opened and launched BlueBook to make sure that it is updated and working properly, I strongly encourage you to do that tonight before you get to testing tomorrow. 

As with every standardized test, you will not be allowed to have your cell phone or smart watch on you at any time during testing.  With the test being digital, I would still encourage you to bring a calculator if you like using a traditional calculator better than the digital one online, a writing utensil to use with the scratch paper you will be given, and I would recommend a normal watch if you prefer to track timing on your own. 

You will be able to have water and a snack under your table for easy access during breaks, but you cannot eat or drink at all during the test.  As you know, the temperature in the building varies greatly.  So because we don't know what to expect in the gym, I strongly encourage that you dress in layers so that you can add a sweatshirt or take it off depending on how hot or cold you might be during testing.  As with normal school days, you are not allowed to put up a hood during testing - this is a school rule, but more importantly, it is also a testing rule you must follow.  Also, PSAT does NOT permit you to wear ballcaps so those hats will also need to be removed.

If you haven't already watched this short (less than 3 minute) video about the digital PSAT, I would strongly recommend that you review it.  Knowing ways that you can flag a question, eliminate options, etc will only help you tomorrow when you are testing.

As a reminder for all of the other students - I will be helping to administer the PSAT tomorrow, so I will not be available to meet with you until later in the afternoon.  Sorry.  To those of you who will be testing, get a good night's sleep, be sure to eat breakfast and good luck testing tomorrow!

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