Thursday, March 19, 2015

Idea for Senior Parents

This is actually a post for parents instead of for students...

As you may know, I tend to read a LOT of articles and follow a range of blogs and other resources related to college applications.  And I have to admit, this is the first time I have ever heard of the idea that is mentioned in this article and I absolutely LOVED it!  (So much so that I sent the article to my sister to remember when my niece is a senior in high school 6 years from now. Ha!)

The article is How to Survive the College Admissions Madness.

The idea that the article shares is that parents whose son/ daughter is awaiting admissions decisions from competitive schools write their child a letter and give it to him/ her BEFORE the decisions arrive reminding your child that your pride and love for them is not dependent upon getting accepted to a particular college.  Wow!  Have I mentioned that I love this idea?!?

I think back over each year of working with students and parents who were disappointed by not getting accepted to a college of their choice and so often the students feel that people are just saying things such as they are proud of you as just a way to make them feel better (even though I know that this is not really the case.)  So, I strongly encourage all parents of seniors to consider taking a moment or two and sitting down and writing a letter to your son or daughter and give it to him or her ahead of their admissions decisions being announced.  (The sample letter in the article can give you a good idea of what you might talk about in your version.)

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