In addition to the wide range of traditional high school courses we have available at WKHS, there are other academic options available to our students.
The College Credit Plus (CC+) program is an opportunity for high school students to take college courses while still enrolled in high school. Students have the option of completing courses on a college campus, online, or at WKHS. College classes at WKHS include both classes that are taught by WKHS teachers who are eligible to serve as adjunct faculty at colleges and classes where CSCC instructors are coming to Kilbourne to teach our students.
Classes that we anticipate being taught at WKHS (dependent on enough students enrolling in them) include: Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1, English Composition 1, English Composition 2, Intro to Psychology, Intro to Sociology, Intro to American Government, and Ethics.
There are a lot of details involved in participating in the CC+ program and students must complete and submit the paperwork before April 1st to indicate their intent to participate in the CC+ program in the following school year. CC+ is also available for students to take classes during the summer in addition to during the school year.
In order to explain all of the details of the program and to provide you with the forms necessary, ALL students and parents interested in participating in this program must plan to attend the Academic Options night which will be held 2 weeks from tonight on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7:00pm in the WKHS auditorium. This will be a joint meeting for all of the students and parents in Worthington. Every college in a 30 mile radius was invited to participate in the meeting.
One thing that is important for students and parents to realize is that we are now back to the post-COVID requirements for CC+ and so this is a state requirement that you must participate in an information session. As a result, please see me if you are unable to attend this meeting so we can explore other options for sessions being provided at local colleges which you can attend if you can't make it to the Worthington meeting. Let me stress this again - this is a mandatory meeting for any students who want to participate in CC+ next year!
Credit Flexibility is another program we will highlight during the Academic Options night. Credit flexibility allows students to earn credit based on a demonstration of subject area competency, instead of, or in combination with, completing hours of classroom instruction. Students are able to customize aspects of their learning around their interests and needs. It encourages student self-direction and motivates learners to develop new skills and fulfill their potential. Examples of credit flexibility opportunities include, but are not limited to, independent study, online learning, and demonstration of course proficiency.
If you have any interest in learning more about College Credit Plus and Credit Flexibility, please plan to join us January 22nd!