Saturday, October 7, 2023

The BEST victory bell

This past week, one of my students, Mason Cottle, celebrated a huge milestone moment.  He and his family were kind enough to give me permission to share about it with you today.  (In the photo is Mason surrounded by his parents and siblings.)

When Mason was finishing his 8th grade year at McCord Middle School, he was diagnosed with leukemia.  Last week, as a junior at WKHS, Mason officially "rang the bell" in recognition for completing his cancer treatments and beating this nasty disease.

For over 2 years he has endured treatment, struggled to balance caring for his health with school, and yet he does it all with quiet consistency.  I have never once heard him complain "why me?"  (Even though he is more than entitled to voice that frustration.)  Each day and in every way, Mason just quietly fought his fight.  He came to school when he could and never used cancer as an excuse.

This was evident even last week when he went for testing and labs and for the ceremony to ring the bell. After the fanfare and excitement was over for Mason and his family, he came back to school and got back to work.  Don't get me wrong, there is no doubt in my mind that Mason realized how important ringing the bell was and he knew that this was a moment he had been waiting for, but it almost seemed as if he was ready to refocus on life and to get back to living and making the most out of every day.

For me, when I watch Mason in the halls or see him with his friends at Marching Band, I can't help but be inspired.  He reminds me that my problems are not REALLY problems.  Watching him reminds me that I need to focus less on times when I feel like something isn't fair and focus more on living life and making the most of each moment.  And, above all, seeing Mason just makes me so proud of him for all he has overcome and grateful that I have been able to watch as he so courageously fought and won against cancer.

Congratulations Mason!  I hope you know that everyone at Kilbourne is impressed by your courage, your fight, and your WIN against cancer!  We are so glad you were able to ring the victory bell!

1 comment:

  1. Mason is an amazing kid with such amazing talents. He also has the most fantastic parents! Nick deserves “Dad of the Year” award for sure.
