Thursday, October 5, 2023

2 weeks left

You have 2 weeks remaining in the first quarter of the school year!  I realize that in talking to many students it still feels as if we are getting the new school year under way, but we are approaching the end of the quarter quickly.  That means this is an important time to assess how you are doing academically and if any changes are needed.  Here are some questions that can guide you in your thinking.

1. Do you know what your current grades are?  If not, get onto Infinite Campus and get a good perspective on where things stand for you right now.

2. Are your grades where you want them to be? If so, awesome, keep up the great work.  If not, that's ok, but the time is now to work to turn things around. (which also means keep looking at the remaining questions.)

3. Which classes need the most focus right now? What classes have the lowest grades and need the most focus for you to turn things around?  

4. What help do you need to get your grades up? Do you have a list of everything you need to make up?  Do you need help with studying or understanding content in your classes - if so, work with your teachers or the academic assistants for more support.

5. When can you get the work done that you are behind in? It's one thing to know that the work needs to happen, but actually working on it and getting it done can be another story.  Develop a specific plan for what you will do each day and then stick to the plan to get it done until you are caught up.

6. If your test grades are the problem, look at your study habits and figure out what you can shift to try to study more effectively.  This will help you to work smarter and not just harder.

If you want to talk through your academic progress, feel free to stop and see me and we can brainstorm your needs even more together.

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