Thursday, April 6, 2023

Creating Your Resume

Yes, I know you are in high school.  And yes, I am still telling you that it is time to start working on your resume.

Obviously, any students hoping to get a job this summer need a resume now.  And if you are planning to attend the Job Fair at the Worthington Education Center during the field trip next Friday, April 14th, then making sure you have a resume ready to share with potential employers at the Job Fair is critical.

But even if you're not qutie ready to find a job yet, working to start the process of compiling your resume is helpful and important.  Why?  Because you can't remember everything unless it is written down somewhere.  So if you wait until your senior year to try to recall what the volunteer experience you had as a freshman was or the name of the award you received in your sophomore year, it will be tough.  Not impossible, but definitely not as easy as if you continually update your resume throughout your high school years.

What types of things can you include on your resume?  I'm so glad you asked.  :-)  Obviously your name and contact information.  Be sure that you have an email address that is appropriate for employers to send you messages (and that you also check this email account regularly).  Do NOT use your school email for this purpose since outside contacts won't be able to email you on it.  You want to include information about your academic progress, any work experiences you have, volunteer experiences, clubs/ activities/ sport involvement, leadership experiences, and awards/ recognition you have received.  You will not want to go back to middle or elementary school when identifying your list - just stick to your high school years.  Your resume should also highlight any special talents/ abilities/ skills that you have.  For example, if you are fluent in another language, be sure to mention that in your resume.

Please understand that your resume doesn't have to be long or fancy.  All employers will know that you are a high school student and so your experiences and skills will be more limited than it will be by the time you are my age.  But if you have a little extra time during spring break, this is a great item to try to knock off your "to do list" so that you are ready for next week's job fair and for any future job searches.

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