Sunday, April 9, 2023

6 Weeks

6 weeks... we are exactly 6 weeks to Graduation for the Class of 2023.  And tomorrow is 6 weeks to exams for all of the rest of the students.  Doesn't that seem incredibly soon?  

Seniors, don't let up on making sure you pass your classes and fulfill your graduation requirements.

Everyone else, please make sure you are maximizing every point in class to help give your grades the cushion they need ahead of final exams.  This is also a good reminder that you want to stay organized and start preparing your materials to make it easier when we get to the point when you need to study for exams.

I am excited to see you all and hear about your spring breaks!  I hope you had an enjoyable time.  If you're like me, you might struggle with the morning wake up call tomorrow after a week of sleeping in so try to get to bed a little earlier tonight.  6 weeks (and 3 days) until summer - we can do this!

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