Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Senior Pictures

Senior photos are a vital part of the yearbook each year.  Many seniors will have professional pictures taken to help capture their personality or interests.  But perhaps your family hasn't done so or isn't able to arrange for senior pictures.  That is ok.  The Yearbook staff wants to be sure that all seniors have the opportunity to have a senior photo included in this year's yearbook.  The deadline for all senior photos to be submitted to Mr. Cecutti ( for the yearbook is March 31st.  That is a firm deadline so you only have this month to be sure that your picture is submitted to be included.  For those who might not have a picture to include, you can reach out to Mr. Cecutti to request for a photographer from the yearbook staff to take your picture on the grounds of Kilbourne so that you have a picture you are happy with to be included in the yearbook.  Again, time is of the essence, so if you need a picture, please reach out to Mr. Cecutti asap, and if you already have your picture, please be sure that it gets submitted in time to be included in this year's yearbook!

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