Sunday, November 6, 2022

Week Ahead

This is a BUSY week ahead with lots of activities you will want to know about...

1. On Monday (November 7th) Mrs. Schnell returns to the Counseling Center and her sub (Mrs. Gratz) will be leaving.  (I realize that for my students, this won't matter, but for any students/ parents off-alpha who are reading my blog, this is a big transition back.

2. Tuesday (November 8th) is Election Day.  If you are 18 or over, please vote!  But, for students, the important reminder is that you don't have school on Election Day.  This is to make sure that there are no safety concerns with so many schools (like Kilbourne) also being polling locations.  The staff will still be working on Tuesday, but kids are off.  However, I will remind all students that this is a great day to try to knock out the work you might have fallen behind on or to review concepts that have been causing you trouble.

3. On Wednesday (November 9th) we will host the next meeting of the Career Club.  This will take place the last 20 minutes of 3rd period and the first 20 minutes of 4th period.  So if you have lunch, prep, options, or learning center during 3rd or 4th period, I hope you will join us in the Auditorium for the Career Club Speaker.  This week we are excited to welcome Mr. Jeff Chilcoat (dad of Owen- "voice of Kilbourne") to be our speaker.  Mr. Chilcoat is a Sports Agent and the Founder of Sterling Sports Management.  If you are interested in sports, law, or just want to work towards the student engagement seal by participating in a club, this will be a great presentation to sit in on.

Also, your History classes may be taking you to the Library on Wednesday as WKHS will be celebrating Veteran's Day early with small group conversations with many local area Veteran's.

4. The fun continues on Thursday when we will be administering the Pre-ACT to all Sophomores and Juniors who registered for the practice test.  The test will begin 1st period so please be aware that the majority of the day I will be tied up with testing responsibilities.

5. And finally, on Friday, for parents, we have our next session of the Lunch & Learn Series at Noon.  The topic is the Honors Diploma.

A VERY busy week for sure, but it will be a GREAT week as well!

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