Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November 1st!

It's November 1st!  Phew!  I am exhausted... and I know many seniors are feeling the same way as the push to this first huge college deadline was a massive sprint for some of you.  (Somehow I anticipate we will have lots of Seniors recommending to underclassmen to prepare ahead of time and don't procrastinate until the last minute as I know this has created a LOT of stress among the seniors.)

Here is the one major point I would like to remind you about... after you push submit, it is VERY common for colleges to quickly come back to you with a reminder email saying that they need your transcript.  Why?  Because it is one of the steps so many students forget to complete.  (Remember, you must complete a transcript request form for every college where you are applying and you do that from the WKHS Counselor website - www.wkhscounselors.com .)  As long as you have requested your transcript to be sent using that form, then we have sent your transcript.  But, you don't need to take my word for it... and you don't have to email me or contact Mrs. McDaniel, our Registrar... you can check on your own!  Log back into Common App, you will be able to see the exact date when you submitted your materials and when they were downloaded by each individual college.  As you are looking at that information you will also see when they downloaded your School Report - your school report are the forms with your transcript.  So, if they have downloaded your school report, then they have your transcript and you don't need to worry!

Congratulations to all of you who have your first wave of applications complete.  Keep focus and keep pushing as you finish out with the rest of your application deadlines!

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