Thursday, August 25, 2022

We Love Worthington Schools

Last week at a meeting with the whole district, Dr. Bowers and other district leaders focused on why we love Worthington Schools.  As I sat there listening, I thought my answer was VERY simple...

I love Worthington Schools because of "my kids."

The students at WKHS are incredible and as I start my 17th year at Kilbourne (yes, I really am that old), I have had well over 1,000 students move through these walls as a part of my caseload.  But each of you - current and former - are not just a number of a caseload to me.  You are not just students, you are my kids.  That is how I think of you and how I refer to you.  You are and will always be a part of my heart.  So, I hope that you will know that I love Worthington schools because of each of YOU!

I have also been thinking about how much I hope that YOU also love Worthington Schools and Kilbourne in particular.  It is my hope that you will take ownership and responsibility for Kilbourne as being YOUR school.  That you will strive every day to make sure we have a welcoming and accepting environment where all students will feel valued and appreciated.  Most of all, I hope that when you think of why you love Worthington that you will think of Kilbourne as a place where you WANT to be.  

With tomorrow being "rivalry week" between the two Worthington teams as WKHS and TWHS prepare to compete in football, remember that how you act is a reflection of Kilbourne... so have fun, but make sure anyone who walks away from the game thinks about how impressive the students at Kilbourne are because I want them to see you in the same incredible way that I see you.

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