Saturday, August 27, 2022

Pack Periods

A lot of new students and parents ask about a homeroom period and we don't have a traditional homeroom for students.  However, approximately every other week, on Wednesdays, you will have an extended 2nd period class for a Pack Period.

The Pack Period is a time for students and staff members to forge stronger connections, share important information, and to build on student success skills for learning and for life.

We are on a different bell schedule to give you an extra 24 minutes to be in the Pack Period.  This means each class is 3 minutes shorter - so your 2nd period class will begin 3 minutes earlier than normal (a really important point to be aware of if you are a student with late arrival and no class during 1st period so that you're not late to 2nd period on Pack Period days.)

Your first Pack Period starts this coming Wednesday.  I know that the Counselors are looking forward to learning more about you during this Pack Period and administrators and the rest of the teachers responsible for creating the Pack Period content are also seeking your input.

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