Friday, July 1, 2022

Catching Up

It's been over a month since I have posted.  Which also means we are more than a month into summer break!  Hard to believe as it feels like school just ended (for me at least).  I started my summer with COVID and so that wasn't fun, but I am recovered and relieved.  I had been so thankful that I never had to personally contend with COVID and I remain grateful that I didn't have to miss out on time with all of you at school to recover.  But I will admit that it wasn't the start of summer I had hoped for!  

Because right after COVID and finishing up the extra work days that I have as a counselor, I went on vacation to visit my sister's family in Kentucky, I simply never hopped back on my blog to point out that I don't post as much in the summer.  I assume that is obvious to you by now.  But I do have some things I want to share and reflect on...

1. Diploma Presenter: I love so many traditions we have in Worthington and the fact that students are allowed to select who they want to have hand them their diplomas is one of my favorites.  Not only does it make the day more special for you as graduates, but it is a huge honor to those who are allowed to give you your diploma at graduation.  I was lucky enough to hand out diplomas to 4 students who selected me as their diploma presenter.  (I actually was fortunate to end up giving out 8 diplomas because in addition to the 4 students who selected me as their diploma presenter, there were 4 other WKHS students in my portion of the alphabet who shared that they didn't care which staff member gave them their diploma and so, our procedure is that their counselor will hand them their diploma.)  Pictured below (L to R) are the 4 students I was selected to present with their diploma: Samantha Darby, Zach Colombini, Nimo Abdi, and Shaylin Bentley.

To Sam, Zach, Naiima, and Shay- It is hard to believe that you are no longer "my" students. Whether I have known you for 1 year or 4, I want to say what a joy it was to be able to walk alongside you during high school. Each of you has had successes and challenges during your high school years including navigating the COVID craziness. I cannot wait to see the difference you will make in the world. I wish you nothing but the best in the future! Thanks again for allowing me to have the honor of presenting you with your diplomas!  

2. June ACT Scores:  For those students who took the ACT in June, your test scores are now available online.  Be sure to log in and check your scores.

3. Final Transcripts: This has probably been the number one question I have been receiving emails about so far this summer.  When you completed the mandatory senior information form, you indicated where you were planning to go to college so that we could send your final transcript.  Mrs. McDaniel, the WKHS Registrar, has sent out your final HS transcript to all of those colleges.  If you didn't indicate a college on that form and have since decided to attend a college, please reach out to Mrs. McDaniel in the Counseling Center to be able to request for her to send your transcript.  

For more of the students though, it has been realizing that you still need to submit your CC+ transcripts.  We do have the links to both CSCC and COTC on the Counselor Website so that you can easily access the places where you will request those transcripts to be forwarded to your intended college.  That extra step MUST be completed by the student - it is not something we are able to do for you.  Go to to find the CC+ Transcript info - I currently have it at the top of the home page for your easy access.

4. Summer School: Congratulations to everyone who successfully completed summer school through Worthington this past month!  I know that some of you are still working on some classes through Worthington or TRECA or a different provider so keep focused and finish strong so that you earn the credits.  If you didn't pass the class(es) you had planned to take this summer, please be sure to email me so that I can make the adjustments to your schedule.

Clearly, when I have this much to say it is a good reminder that I should post more often... so I will try to share updates a little more frequently in July.  But, before I close I just want to wish you all a very happy and safe 4th of July holiday weekend.

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