Tuesday, July 5, 2022

AP/ IB Scores

Scores for those students who took one (or more) of the Advanced Placement Tests in May should be available online today. Many students assume that we know your scores in the counseling office, but we do not receive that information until much later.  To access your scores log in using your college board account information.  

A lot of times students are curious about the policy various colleges have on how they grant credit based upon the AP scores. CollegeBoard maintains a searchable list for the college's policies.

Many WKHS students who took AP Lang were hoping to be able to use their scores to move directly to English 2367 (Composition 2) with CSCC next school year.  Please make sure you have scored a 3 or higher on the AP Lang test in order for this to be an option.  If I need to adjust your schedule to add you into Composition 1 because you didn't get the 3 as you had anticipated, or if you put Comp 1 into your schedule "just in case" and earned the 3 please let me know so that I can adjust your schedule and remove the class that you no longer need.  (Also, don't forget that you will need to send your test results to the CSCC CC+ office so that they know you have met the prerequisites to jump directly to Composition 2.)

And, as if AP scores being available wasn't enough, the scores from the spring IB tests will be released tomorrow.

No matter which tests you took, I hope you are happy with your scores!

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