Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Next Right Thing

Lately the concept of "do the next right thing" has been showing up over and over again in my life. 

Perhaps you have heard that phrase from the movie Frozen 2.  It is a concept simple enough that even little kids can understand it. But the implictions of doing the next right thing is all we can actually expect from ourselves.  

Chances are you have probably heard stories or lessons about how just being a little bit off course and remaining that way over time can result in your end destination being FAR from where you had hoped to end which is why it is always so important to course-correct and get yourself back on track. (Example - a flight being just 1 degree off would end up being 42 miles from the desired destination if flying across the US.)  When you make a mistake, it isn't fatal.  It doesn't mean all hope is lost.  It just means you need to adjust and do the next right thing.

Sometimes people get so caught up in the BIG experiences - big goals, big aspirations, big dreams and that is great, but you don't get there by anything other than doing the next right thing.  A quote that I recently read from Brian Kight said, "Don't concern yourself with sustaining a high standard.  You can't sustain what you're not doing."  To me, that was speaking to the importance of doing the next right thing.  

So for today, I hope you will strive to do the next right thing.  Celebrate the course-corrections that get you back on track for the wins that they are and know that doing the next right thing is the way to reach all of those big goals and dreams you have set for yourself.

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