Thursday, February 10, 2022

CC+ Intent To Participate Form Reminder

A quick reminder to all of the students I have already met with regarding registration... your CC+ Intent to Participate forms are due back to me TOMORROW so that I can leave you in your desired CC+ class for the registration process.  As we discussed, if you don't have your form to me, I will just have to take you out of the class until you get the form turned in to me and then I could put you back into it.  You really want to make sure that you have the correct courses in the system when Mr. Peterson works on building the schedule so I can't stress enough how critical it is to get those Intent to Participate forms turned in ASAP!

Remember, on the Counselor Website you and a parent will watch the 2 videos and then sign off on the Intent to Participate form.  That is the form I need back tomorrow (yellow form if you picked it up in person or you can download it on the Counselor website).  

After submitting your Intent to Participate form you will need to apply to the college(s) because there are 1-2 additional forms based on your intended college and you need to have your college student ID number to fill out those other forms.  I will need those back soon, but it will take a few days after you apply to CSCC and COTC to get the codes back to be able to fill out those other forms.

If you have questions about the CC+ forms, please stop and see me.

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