Monday, April 26, 2021

National Decision Day

Seniors, by now you are hopefully well aware of the fact that Saturday, May 1st is national college decision day.  As you are aware, through the college application process each college has their own timeline and often have different application deadlines, financial aid deadlines, and announce their admission decisions at different times, but May 1st is a universal deadline among all colleges requiring students to declare their decision.  Please remember that this not only means that you have informed the college of your choice that you intend to attend their college, but it also typically includes submitting a deposit.  As you reach the final days of your decision making window, if you need to talk out your choice with someone, please feel free to stop in and talk to me.  You can, of course, also use my books and the resources that I have in my office to help guide your decision making.

Also, as you finalize your future decisions, don't forget to share your plans to the WKHS Class of 2021 Instagram account.  Some in the senior class are compiling future plans to post on the WKHS Class of 2021 instagram page.  If you are on IG, please DM them with your name, a picture of yourself, your college (or other) future plans, and you can even include your major/ minor and any athletic or academic commitments.  They are then creating it into an IG post.  We are excited that these photos will also be shared with us to be able to feature so we want to be sure that all of the seniors are included!  If you are not on Instagram, you can still submit your information through their email account: so that you can be included.

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