Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Cap and Gown

Seniors, exactly 1 month from now we will all be gathering together in order to watch as you graduate from high school.  And, did you hear the news that was just released tonight?!?  Your graduation will be able to continue as planned at the Schottenstein Center on OSU's campus.  I am so excited about that because it will allow each student the chance to have 4 tickets for graduation.  (Yes, I know that some of you would have liked to have more tickets, but the Schott definitely will fit more than we could have safely had in the WKHS stadium and they will also be live-streaming the event for your extended family to be able to watch.)  This is such a wonderful time and I suspect that the excitement will truly start picking up this week when you get to pick up your cap and gown.

On Thursday and Friday of this week during lunch periods, representatives from Buckeye Scholastic, will be in the Commons to distribute caps and gowns, as well as announcements and any other materials you ordered.

Don't miss out on picking up your cap and gown later this week!

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