Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Different Bell Schedules

We have some very different bell schedules coming up in the near future.

Tomorrow kicks off the adjusted format for just 1 day when we will have an additional 20 minutes during your 3rd period classes for a conversation related to healthy teen dating and relationships.  There will also be only 5 minutes between classes instead of the 7 minutes you have been using for this school year.  Here is a link to tomorrow's bell schedule.  

And then, the following week, April 19-23rd, we will be on a late start bell schedule due to End of Course Assessments.  These are the tests that students must take depending on the classes you are enrolled in - meaning that students currently taking English 2, Math 1, Math 2, Biology, US History, or Government will have specific dates to come in first thing in the morning like normal to test.  No classes will begin until 12:10 each day throughout the week.  This is so that the students testing are able to focus on the tests without distractions and so that no one has to worry about missing classes while testing takes place.  Here is a link to the bell schedule for next week.  It's important to note that there will be 2 separate bus runs during the week.  So if you ride a bus and don't have to test, you will be able to pick up your bus exactly 3 hours after your normal pick up time.  You will also only have 4 of your class periods on Monday through Thursday.  Friday you will go to all 8 of your classes just for a shorter time frame.

The good news - you have already proven that you are able to make adjustments... even if they are stressful.  Testing wasn't our idea.  In fact Worthington specifically voiced the district's opposition to requiring you all to take these End of Course tests after such a challenging year, but the state said they were still needed and so you all need these scores to help towards graduation requirements and so we will adjust again and it will all be ok.  Remember, if you have questions about the schedules, feel free to come see me.

And, on a separate note - today was Lexi's 6th birthday!  Thanks to everyone who came in and spoiled her with some extra attention today.

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