Thursday, March 25, 2021

Creating Your College List

With spring break coming up and COVID still being an ongoing issue, you may find yourself with some extra time on your hands.  One suggestion I have for you is to consider using some of your time to begin the process of creating a college list of schools that might appeal to you for the future.  

Seniors, you have already completed this process, but as you are reviewing your acceptances and trying to make your final decision, it might also help you to pause and reflect again on what it is that YOU want in a college and make sure that the schools you are considering are still a good fit.

I know that it will sound cheesy, but the answer for what is going to be the best college for you is something only you will know.  Truly, there isn't just 1 right college for every student.  You will find a college that is the best fit for you and you will be happy and successful there.  So how do you go about finding that college?

Start off by thinking of this as looking for colleges that will be a good fit for you.  Being a good fit will mean that they are a fit for you academically, socially and financially.

We have a bunch of pages on the Counselor Website to help guide you in the college search process.  Below are a few of the pages you could check out to help you as you are working to build your college list.

Self reflection - I'm not kidding when I said that you will know the best colleges for you, but you have to pause and start thinking about what it is that you want and what you imagine in a college.

What do you want in a college - This is thinking more about how the college will fit for you.

If you are struggling to narrow your list by size of the campus you can always take a day during spring break and drive around on some campuses and get a feel for how a bigger school looks vs a smaller campus.  We are lucky that in central Ohio there are a ton of colleges you can drive through and start to get that feel for what you picture for yourself.

Tips on investigating colleges - this is looking more at the ways that a college can fit you.

And, don't forget, even though many colleges are still limiting their campus visit tour experiences, you can find a great deal of information including virtual tours on their websites so have fun exploring and looking at different colleges to see which ones might be among your final list of future colleges for you!

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