Wednesday, March 24, 2021

College Admissions Decision Stress

These next few weeks are filled with eager anticipation and quite a bit of stress for seniors who are still awaiting college decisions.  As you know, many colleges - particularly the more competitive schools - hold their admissions decisions and release them all at once late in March or early in April.  

If you have been anxiously awaiting the news from your final colleges, try to take a deep breath and relax.  Remember, you have done everything to put yourself in the best position possible with your applications.  If you are feeling stressed as you await the news, please stop to see me so we can discuss how to manage the stress as well as what the outcome will mean if you get accepted or rejected - because I promise you - no matter what the admissions decision is, you do have a bright future ahead!

It also bears repeating that getting the decision can be hard enough, but often the more difficult aspect is being asked, “Did you get accepted?” by well-meaning friends. Trust me on this one, if they were accepted, the students would be telling everyone – you won’t need to ask. If they don’t offer up the news sharing if they were accepted or not, then be sensitive to the fact that more than likely they did not get accepted and don’t ask about it as it puts them on the spot to share disappointing news.

I also want to remind the seniors that we try to keep track of all of the college admissions decisions as that helps us understand current trends in admissions. I would really appreciate it if you'd stop by and update me as you receive your college admission decisions.

Good luck!  I hope you get the acceptances you are anxiously awaiting.

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