Thursday, January 21, 2021

Registration News

Blue day students have had their first day of the new semester and green day students have had two days in the new semester so far, but I am already asking you to start looking ahead to NEXT year!  I know, I'm sorry, but registration really does have to start this early to give the administrators time to be able to build the master schedule.

So, what can you expect?  Some things are new and different and some things are the same.  I am going to try to hit a few of the highlights to help you know what to expect and to make sure that you are prepared for the weeks ahead.

- Registration materials will be handed out tomorrow (for blue day students - green day students received them today)

- The WKHS Counselor Website: is going to be your go-to point of reference for any of your needs related to registration!  When it doubt, please go to the Counselor Website!

- All students (grades 9-11) MUST sign up to meet with their counselor.  So, for my students, that means that beginning next week I will be holding individual and group registration meetings during your at-home learning days.  There is a zoom link that you will receive when you sign up for your appointment time slot.  This is the biggest difference from past years!  In the past, we met with everyone after you were done with your course selections to review what you had picked and to make any adjustments that were needed.  But, we know that so many students also wanted to meet with us before hand to get ideas and input into their schedule planning that we have decided to try to do ALL meetings prior to the registration window closing.  You will get to sign up for the times that you want - first come/ first serve - so sign up soon!  Links to sign up are on the counselor website.

- Another big change is that there isn't a homeroom where you will receive the information overview about registration and see the video.  We still have a video - it is on the Counselor Website along with other resources like a step by step guide to help you submit your requests on Infinite Campus.  Go to the website to check out the video about registration.

- The online registration window will open next Monday, January 25th and you have until February 12th to submit your requests online.  

-Teachers will again be making recommendations for courses in the core subject areas.  If you have questions about what they are recommending, please talk to your teacher.  They should be able to adjust the recommendation if you did not want to take the class that they are suggesting or I can also help with that when we meet for your registration meeting.  Please note though that if you are wanting to override a teacher's recommendation into a HIGHER level of a class than they are recommending then you will need to complete the Course Override Form (and, yep, you guessed it, that is also on the counselor website).

- I start meeting with students next week for the registration appointments and all are on your at-home days.  Juniors, your appointments are longer and I have also invited your parents to attend the meeting with us if they want to zoom together for the appointment.  Freshmen and Sophomores, your appointments have the choice of being in a group or individual and either way it should be about 15 minutes long.  If you feel confident about your course selections, a group meeting is the way to go, but if you have lots of individualized and specific questions that wouldn't apply to a whole group, then please sign up for an individual appointment.  I am genuinely excited to have the chance to meet with ALL of my students soon!  I also love that we are able to do this on your at-home learning days because that means that all of your other needs that aren't about next year's schedule can still be focused on during the days we are all in the building together! 

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