Sunday, January 24, 2021

Registration Appointment Reminder

I have been so excited to see all of the registration appointment times coming in already and I am excited to start talking to each of you about your future plans and how your academic choices can help prepare you for that future.

There has been 1 question that I have been getting OFTEN over the last few days... and that is about why all of the appointments are for Green Days.  Remember, these are virtual meetings so we will be zooming together.  This is the only way I can make sure that I can move through all of my meetings in the alloted 15 minutes without having to clean the chairs and tables between each student and trying to get you down to the counseling center when we can't really have people just hanging out without me also needing to wipe those areas down too.  So, zooming it is!  And it will be great!

You will sign up for a time slot that works for you on your Independent Learning Day and at the end it will give you a zoom link.  Don't worry if you miss saving the link - I have it posted on the Counselor Website for you in case you lose it.  Then, as you start working on your course plan for next year, jot down any questions or ideas that you have, and we will talk about it all during your meeting.  Also, be aware that because it is the same zoom link for all students, you will be placed into the Waiting Room until your appointment starting time and then I will let you in as the other student before you leaves.

I promise, it will work just so long as you don't forget to join me even though you're not in the school building.  :-)

Also, juniors, don't forget that there is a junior planning form that I need for you to complete and share back with me prior to our meeting.  That is also located on the Counselor website.

Thanks to all of the students who have already signed up for appointments.  I believe my Tuesday is almost completely full, but don't worry, there are lots more available times on other days too.

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