Friday, December 18, 2020

Winter Break

Nothing has been normal about 2020.  And I suspect most of us are ready to get this year behind us and look ahead to the future and a brighter 2021 in front of us.  But as we wrap up the end of the school day and prepare for a few weeks off from daily school work, I wanted to remind you of a few things.

1. I am proud of how hard so many of you have worked to get your grades up or to keep them strong during remote learning.  I know that the temptation of the distractions at home is real and so it can be hard to stay focused on what you NEED to be doing when it isn't what you WANT to be doing.

2. I know that the upcoming two weeks provides some much needed time off.  But for some of you, teachers have offered the opportunity to use break to try to finish catching up on school work.  I know that it won't be an exciting way to spend break, but if you are able to pass your classes and NOT have to repeat it then it will definitely be time wisely spent!

3. Be good to YOU!  The holidays are stressful.  This year will likely be even more stressful because of the pandemic and the shifted plans of being limited on being together.  Please be sure that you are taking care of yourself and doing coping strategies that work best for you.

Wishing you the very best during winter break!  Please be careful if you are traveling and stay safe and healthy!

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