Wednesday, December 30, 2020

End of Year Thoughts

This hasn't been a normal year for any of us.  And I know there were so many challenges you had to face in 2020.  One of those challenges was the switching from remote to hybrid and back to remote.  There are always so many mixed feelings on what is the "best" option for learning when we all know we just miss life being normal and nothing has been normal lately.  

As some of you may already know, over Thanksgiving I was at home completely alone because there was no way I could quarantine enough to be able to keep my family safe.  For me, one of the huge benefits of being in remote learning for December was that I was able to close myself off in my office and visit with students via zoom and not have any staff in my office.  As a result, I was able to quarantine enough so that my whole family was able to be together for Christmas.  Even though Thanksgiving was ok and manageable being alone, being able to celebrate Christmas together was truly the greatest gift!  We had an awesome time laughing, talking, eating, wrapping (and unwrapping) presents, and making memories together.  Because of all of the sacrifices that our community made as parents and students were working to learn at home, it made Christmas possible for my family and I am so thankful.  

Like so many of you, I am more than ready to say goodbye to 2020 and I definitely look forward to brighter days ahead in 2021.  I hope that as we celebrate the start of a new year you will have fun while being safe and making good choices.  Lexi and I wish you the best in 2021!

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