Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Emotional Health

I love reading lots of different websites, blogs, and other sources for gaining information that can help me both personally and professionally.  One of the people who I really appreciate the daily email newsletters is Brian Kight.  He sends out brief emails (or texts) on Daily Discipline which primarily look at discipline, focus and skill.  He had sent out a message back in July that I have revisited many times and today I thought you might like it as well.  Here is what he had to say:

Emotional Health Starts with Self-Awareness.

Emotions are indicators.  There's a reason you feel the way you do.  Emotions are trying their best to point your attention to those reasons.  How you feel is the primary experience, but why you feel it is the primary importance.  Sometimes the experience of an emotion is so fast, intense, or disorienting that you never honestly evaluate the reason you feel the way you do.

For every emotion, there's a reason you feel the way you do and that reason matters.  Self-awareness reveals the source fueling your feelings.

Embrace the chase.  Do the work.

I loved the message.  It is easy to just feel something and either stuff it inside or react without pausing to figure out what is really going on in and for you, but that is where the richness lies and where the growth can happen.  Hopefully you are paying attention to your emotions and what they are trying to teach you each day.

If you are interested in getting Brian Kight's messages or reading more of what types of things he shares you can check out his website about these daily discipline messages.

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