Tuesday, October 8, 2019

College App Progress

Seniors, are you done with your college applications?  And by done, I mean DONE.  Totally, completely done... as in all essays written, applications submitted, transcripts requested, recommendation letters completed, fees paid, and test scores sent.

There are a handful of you who can honestly answer YES!  Those students are kicked back, relaxing and loving the fact that they are through the stress of applying.

But for most of you... I suspect even just reading that list of steps that you need to be sure you have completed is making you feel overwhelmed.  This post is a reminder for you...

Tomorrow, during your lunch periods the counselors will be in Room 201 (right across from the drop in lab) to help students with your applications.  We can help give you a focused place to work, review your common app information and check for common mistakes, point you in the right direction for requesting your transcript, review your essays, and answer whatever questions you might have.  Unless you are truly and completely done with your applications, you should be spending your lunch period with us tomorrow working on the applications.  Taking it one step at a time and making use of moments, like this, which are available to you is how you will get through your applications.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow during your lunch period!

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