Thursday, September 26, 2019

Submitting College Applications

Completing your college applications is done online and while this provides an easy way to use options like the Common App to apply to multiple schools with one application, it does have some challenges. Here are a few reminders as you work on your online applications...

1.)  Most schools will require you to create a username and password. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you save all of these usernames and passwords! You will more than likely need them again when you want to check your admissions status. (Even though you think you won't forget them, I strongly suggest that you to save it in your phone or somewhere at home where no one will accidentally throw it out or your dog won't eat it.

2.) Punctuation and spelling matter! Pay attention to the details - this is your introduction to the college and you want to make a positive impression.

3.) Use your parents "real" names - they are more than just "mom" or "dad."

4.) Double check that you have the correct social security number. Many schools use that to connect all of your application pieces together.  Believe me, this is a NIGHTMARE if you end up submitting an application with a typo in your social security number.

5.) If it has a spot for an essay response - that is really an essay - do not just write in a quick sentence and move on. Take the time to draft, edit, revise, edit, revise, step away from, edit, and revise some more before you copy and paste the final essay into the application and submit it.  Watch your word count as you are planning for your responses.  Some short answer essays are even more challenging than the full essay because you have to respond using so few words.

6.) Tell the Truth! Do not make up something or claim that you won an award, completed community service, or had some other issue during high school if it is not true. Honesty matters in how the college will perceive you and it is also simply an issue of integrity.

(And, for the record, all of these problems are actual problems I have found when reviewing student applications at WKHS! I couldn't make them up...)

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