Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Because of You

Today at school we had the chance to honor and celebrate the impact of others on your life.  #BecauseOfYou was the point behind this video and it was also the message so many of you had the courage to share and recognize during the day today.

For all of the parents or anyone who, for whatever reason, didn't have the chance to watch the video during your 3rd period class today, I hope you will take a few minutes and watch this powerful PSA that was created by the Ad Council.

I have watched the video many times as we were preparing for today and the final message that, "Because of You someone's entire day can change, Because of You someone's entire year can change, and Because of You someone's entire life can change", continues to touch my heart.  And here is the reality... we don't always see that in ourselves.  We don't recognize the impact we are having on others.  But we are often keenly aware of how much others help us.  The reason we wanted to focus on that today is that it is important and valuable to realize the depth of an impact you are having on someone else - even though you might not realize it at the time.

My video message said... #BecauseOfYou I feel I have a sense of purpose in my life.  I am not your parent, but I love you like you are my own child.  You have blessed my life in ways you can't even imagine and I am so proud as I have watched you overcome challenges, work hard to achieve your goals, and never give up on your dreams.  Even though I don't get to see you as often as I'd like, you are always in my heart and mind.  I love you and I am grateful for every moment of love you have shown me too.

I also did a photo message for Lexi... #BecauseOfYou I am no longer lonely.  (I didn't even realize I was lonely until I had Lexi and then I realized just how much she brought to my life and how much she filled a void I hadn't even recognized was there.)

I loved seeing all of the kids and staff that participated. But in particular it was hearing kids talk about how their teacher or coach or adviser or friend had done a #BecauseOfYou message to them and how much it meant to them. In fact, some of the Field Hockey girls sent their coach their #BecauseOfYou photos and she did one on her own and sent it back to them! Gives me chills. I love that genuine connection and caring!

If you didn't participate today during lunch, there is no time like the present... hop on social media and share the message #BecauseOfYou to recognize someone who has had a positive impact on your life.  Who knows, perhaps by doing so you will inspire someone else to recognize someone too.  And, if you are not on social media, then at least send someone a text, email, or tell them face to face how much they have changed your life for the better.

This world has enough negativity.  Stress levels are high.  Frustration runs deep.  Disappointment and hurt seems never-ending at times.  But there is good.  There is so much good!  We need to focus on it today and every day.  Because by doing so, perhaps it will end up multiplying.  Someone will decide to be a little kinder because they know that it had made a positive difference to someone else in the past.  What a gift and blessing that would be for not only you, but for our school, our community, and our world.

Thank you again to all of the students who participated in today's #BecauseOfYou day.  #BecauseOfYou Kilbourne is a better place!

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