Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Welcome Back

I hope you enjoyed your last day of summer vacation and are getting excited about coming back to school tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again!

The freshmen students had their first day in the building today and they seemed to enjoy finding their way around. I'm sure that it was a bit scary for them, but tomorrow will probably be even more intimidating. Little do they know that all of you are, in fact, quite nice and helpful. (At least you have always been nice and helpful to me so I am confident it will be the same to the poor freshmen who are lost around the building.)  Throughout the day today I was so impressed with the Link Leaders who made the day fun, meaningful and welcoming to the 9th graders.  Thank you Link Leaders for your service and commitment.  

As we return to school tomorrow, I wanted to remind those of you who are taking College Credit Plus (CC+) classes through Columbus State (this includes English, Psychology and Mythology) that while your classes are listed on your WKHS schedule, they don't actually start until August 26th.  English meets on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Psychology meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Mythology is completely online.  So, for those classes you have another week and a half until they start.  In the meantime, please be certain that you have completed the required CSCC online orientation and accessed blackboard.  (CSCC has sent you emails about these requirements and we have also posted it on the WKHS Counselor website.)  And, of course, don't forget that you also have a mandatory meeting on the 23rd prior to your start on the 26th.

The CC+ classes through COTC  (which include math classes and Intro to Business) all begin tomorrow like regular classes as they are taught by your WKHS teachers.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all in the morning.  Sleep well!

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