Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New Names and Faces

Can you believe we are about to get the 2019-2020 school year underway?  One of the big differences for this year that you will find as school begins is that there are a lot of new names and faces to adjust to this year!

We are fortunate to have many new staff members this year.  Perhaps you will have some of them in class, but if not, make sure you say hi in the halls and welcome the following teachers to the Kilbourne community.

Mrs. Backhurst is the new dean.  She will be working primarily with the lower half of the alphabet as Mrs. Lippert was hired as an Assistant Principal in Upper Arlington.

We also have a new assistant principal at WKHS, Mr. Peterson has joined the WKHS Administrative team and is looking forward to getting to know students.

The Special Ed Department has many new staff teachers including Ms. McLaren, Ms. Bode, and Mr. Weyandt.  Additionally, working closely with the Special Ed department will include Mr. Chislom, a transition coach, and Mrs. Becker, a School Psychologist.

Mr. Taylor is officially a new Wellness for Life teacher, but many of you will recognize him as he was at WKHS during the 2nd semester last year.

The Science department added Mr. Ritchey as a teacher and Mrs. Terpenning as the Science Academic Assistant in the Teaching and Learning Center.  Ms. Diehl got married over the summer and is now Mrs. Davis.

Mr. DeFrancesco will be back at WKHS again as one of the band directors this year.

Mrs. Friedman has joined the English department.

The Foreign Language department has welcomed Ms. Gandelman as a new Spanish teacher.

Mrs. Haurani (who you may have met in the 4th quarter last year) will be the new Math Academic Assistant in the Teaching and Learning Center

We have a new Safety Monitor in Mr. Vagnier.

And last but not least, there are several interns that will be helping out in the counseling center area including a school counseling intern, Mrs. Leatherman, who will primarily be working with Mrs. Lord, but you may also get to meet throughout the year, and Mr. Davis and Ms. Jackson will both be interns working with Ms. Wessell, School Social Worker.

Every day when I pull into WKHS or even as I drive past the building I think about how fortunate I am to work in a place that I love and to have so many students and parents who make Kilbourne such a special place.  I know that each of these new staff members will feel the same and will be proud to be a Wolf!

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