Sunday, June 2, 2019


A few months ago I had mentioned the program, YouScience, and I have great news to pass along... we now have access to it for all of our students FREE of charge! 

I am so excited about this opportunity for students.

For those of you who don't remember YouScience, allow me to share some of what I have learned about the programs after doing it myself.  YouScience is a measure of aptitudes.  Aptitudes are your natural abilities to do things.  It is not about saying you are good at math or science - it is more about the specific strengths that cross over to various subject areas.

When you take the assessment it is all online so you can do it from any computer or chromebook.  The entire process from start to finish is 1 hour and 15 minutes, but you can split it up over however many settings that works best for you.  The assessment consistents of a variety of different small computer challenges.  Each of these challenges is timed and you just do the best you can on each one of them.  When you start any of those timed tests, you have to finish that piece before you could stop and save to return later.

I took the assessment and was fascinated by how many pieces it was able to say about me just from doing these fun tests.  At the end, about 1 day later, you will receive an email with links to your results.  There were 3 main things I liked best about the results.  1, there is a 41 page personal summary that can be downloaded that talked about things that are easier or harder for you based upon your results.  2, there is a discussion summary guide which is a great resource to help you for use in recommendation letters, resumes and college essays.  3, the career specific information is interesting.  I really liked that the career information could be divided out so that you could look at it based upon which careers fit for people with your aptitudes, for careers with your interests, or for careers that overlap well with your aptitudes and interests.

If you are interested in taking the assessment (or if any of your friends want to do so), please email me at and I will send you an access code.  You will then use that to create an account for free.  It is important to note that you will not be able to use your wscloud email account because you won't be able to receive your emails from YouScience with your results.

I believe that the summer provides the perfect time to for students to be able to complete the YouScience assessment as you can always find an hour that you are bored or when it is raining or you want to come up with new ideas about what you should do someday.  So please, send me an email if you are interested (and even though you'll get a bounce back saying I am out for the summer I will make sure to check my email regularly over the next few days) and I will send you the access code.

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