Sunday, May 26, 2019

Summer School

For the last few days since you finished school I have spent hours going through the failure lists and emailing and calling families to talk about the importance of signing up for summer school.

Just as a reminder, if you fail a class in high school, you have to repeat that course before you can move on to the next level.  So, for example, if you fail Math 1 then you have to take Math 1 again before you move on to Math 2.  This is particularly challenging for students who fail English or Math since those courses each require 4 credits to graduate.  If this applies to you, PLEASE be sure to sign up for Worthington Summer School today!  It is free and transportation is available if you need it.

What I have not been contacting students and families about are the reminders of registering for summer school for ADVANCED credit.  Back in February when we were looking at your intended courses for next year many of you reported that you would be taking classes during the summer.  That is completely acceptable - you just need to make sure you are taking your classes through an accredited school and then transferring that credit back to us by bringing in a copy of your transcript.  Many students have found TRECA to be a cost effective alternative, but again, it can be any accredited school.

On the WKHS Counselor website we have links to all of these summer school registration pages or you can, of course, simply Google it.

If something has changed in your plans and you will not be taking a class that you had previously indicated you were going to complete via summer school, please send me an email at school to let me know that so that I can adjust your schedule for next year.  (This goes with advanced classes and for classes that you have failed.)  I will be at school working through Wednesday to try to get as many of these adjustments made as possible.

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