Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Senior Project

Senior Project is a unique opportunity for Kilbourne students.  Seniors who elect to participate in senior project spend the 4 weeks of their high school career out shadowing and assisting at various career sites.  15 of the 56 students who took advantage of the chance to learn about careers for the last few weeks were "my" students.  They selected a wide range of range of career fields such as in education, healthcare, marketing, religious organizations, music performance, engineering and working with non-profits. 

Senior project allows students the chance to learn more about what a career involves.  This up-close, in depth look at what a job really entails enabled the students to decide if this specific career is what they'd like to pursue in the future.  I hope that while they were in the Commons during lunches today you took the time to walk around and talk to them about their experiences.  In talking with my students today some felt that this experience solidified their future plans and others felt it was valuable because it helped them realize that this was not the job they wanted to pursue for the rest of their lives - valuable information either way. It sounded as if they all had meaningful and informative experiences during the month as they spent time in a career field of interest.

My students who participated in senior project included: Trixie Abbott, Eleni Alexander, Lexi Bair, Diana Baird, Jill Baumgardner, Sarah Baxter, Amber Beals, Gracie Burford, Alexa Burke, Aidan Cameron, Mollie Catlett, Stephanie Coon, Maxim Estevez-Curtis, Sami Fink and Evan Fisher.

 Congratulations and Great Job on your Senior Projects!

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