Thursday, May 16, 2019

Congratulations Seniors

Dear Seniors,

Congratulations!  You have officially completed your LAST day of high school!  For the past 13 years you have worked hard to grow as an individual, to learn lessons in the classroom and beyond, and to make an impact in our school and community.  In Worthington they often talk about how we are working with students who will one day change the world.  I have no doubt in my mind that you will accomplish that goal - in large part because I already believe you are changing the world around you!  I know for a fact that my life has been changed by you and I am confident the other students who will still be in classes tomorrow will have similar feelings.  You make a difference often without even realizing the depth of impact that you are having on others.

Over the last four years I have been honored to watch you grow and change from often shy freshmen into often very outspoken seniors.  You have passion, enthusiasm, and a commitment to your goals (even if your commitment to procrastination is equally high).  I am grateful for the chance to celebrate with you as you received college acceptances or shared the news of how much fun you had at a Friday night football game or the Homecoming dance.  I treasure the moments when you let me see the "real you" that so many others don't always get to see - the parts of you when you felt frustrated, hurt, angry or sad.  I know you to be engaging and driven and you never cease to amaze me.  You are also the first graduating class who never experienced life at Kilbourne without having Lexi at school as a therapy dog and oh my how you have loved her!  I appreciate that very much.

It didn't matter if you had grown up in Worthington or you moved here part-way through, each of you has made an impact on Kilbourne.  Thank you again for allowing me to share in your journey.  The best is ahead of you!  Never doubt that you have the ability to achieve any dream and goal you set for yourself.  Please believe in yourself and always know that I am here, behind you, supporting and believing in you too.  I hope you will stay in touch and keep me posted on what is happening in your life.

Miss Abbott


  1. Ms. Abbott
    Thank you for your tireless work with our kids. You have gone over and beyond for the kids, and I have always considered my family SO lucky to have you as counselor. Benny and Jack both totally appreciated you, and I absolutely will never forget the compassion and guidance you have shown them. I am forever in debt. Much love, Cathy Corcoran

  2. Dear Brianna
    Thank you for your tireless and wonderful guidance you have given Jack, as well as Ben.
    I appreciate you so much, and will forever be grateful for your compassion and guidance you showed both my boys. You are the gold standard for Extraordinary Counselor............thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done. Much love, Cathy Corcoran
