Sunday, May 12, 2019

Next Year's Schedule

I wanted to give you a heads up on something that we are hoping/ anticipating will happen in the next few days...  

The WKHS administration has been working on the master schedule for next year.  They have determined where each class will be held during the school day to meet the most student requests possible. This includes running your requests through the computer to try to match as many of the requests as possible between what you had asked for and what is possible in the computers.  At the end of the week they reported that they are really close and so I anticipate that they will officially "lock" the master schedule into place in the days ahead. 

Unfortunately, once the schedule is locked it will become crazy for the counselors as we go through each of the schedules that didn't match and try to figure out if there is a solution and what possible options we can use to make a schedule fit together. We will spend hours pouring over schedules and will have to call down some of you to talk about back up choices based upon the conflicts in your schedule. This is never easy and I know it is disappointing when you don't get all of the classes that you wanted, so I promise that I am doing the best I can to make everything work together.

So, if in the coming days, you get a pass from me to come see me during your lunch, off period or between periods, I am asking you to please make every effort to come at the day and time I am calling for you so that we can look at your schedule together.  You don't want me to be the one to make those tough choices for you so we really do need to meet and look at the options together.

Inevitably, when everyone hears that the schedule is locked, students will be curious about the schedule and what their classes will look like for next year.  I am more than happy to talk about this with you, but not until all of the conflicts are resolved.  So, I ask you to please be patient with me and wait until exam week to try to come and get a sneak peek at what your schedule will hopefully be for next year.  (Full disclosure though, all schedules are 100% up for revision and changes based on whatever has to happen with the master schedule as the summer progresses.)

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