Sunday, December 16, 2018

DACC and Exams

As you all know, exams will take place this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  In past years the DACC schedule and the exams up there were completed before our exams were done.  Unfortunately, this year that is not the case as DACC and WKHS are both finishing up this Friday.  This creates a challenge for some of our DACC students because you have exams at DACC and at WKHS happening at the same time.

At WKHS, the modified exam schedule to allow 2 hours for each exam works fine for Delaware Area Career Center seniors who are at WKHS in the mornings as you will have one exam at WKHS each morning which then frees you to finish your day as normally scheduled at DACC.  Unfortunately, juniors who are at WKHS in the afternoons have conflicting schedules.  Your 6th period exam at WKHS is scheduled for Thursday from 10 - 12 and, as you know, you don't get back from DACC until noon which means you miss that exam.  As a result, you should plan to communicate with your 6th period teacher.  Most of you will plan to take your exams during the make-up slot on Friday from 1-3.  The one note I will make to you is to make sure you arrange for your own transportation to be able to get home on Friday afternoon as busses will not run at 3.  The other note to be aware of is that WKHS will not be serving lunch on Friday which means you should plan to pack your lunch.  I know that the limitations related to transportation and the lack of lunch may make this challenging for some students to take exams on Friday afternoon which is why I strongly encourage you to talk to your teacher tomorrow.  Some students are going to work with their teachers to split their exams up over Wednesday and Thursday lunch periods.  Others are starting their exams in class on Monday and Tuesday.  And others are going to be able to take their exam on Friday afternoon so that they can just have their one exam per day and not have a conflict in timing.

I'm sorry that this isn't an easy or perfect situation.  If you have questions or problems, please come see me.

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