Monday, December 17, 2018

College Credit Plus - Save the Date

Save the Date!  

Students who are interested in participating in College Credit Plus or at least learing more about the options available to take college credits for free while you are in high school need to plan on attending the Academic Options night on Thursday, January 10th at 7pm in the WKHS Auditorium.

Yes, even if you attended the presentation last year, you still have to attend again this year if you plan to participate in CC+ next year.  It is a state requirement that you participate in this information session every year.

The evening presentation will explain all of the details of the College Credit Plus program and to provide you with the forms necessary.  This will be a joint meeting for all of the students and parents in Worthington.  (So please know that there will likely be a large crowd in the WKHS Auditorium!)  Every college in a 30 mile radius was invited to participate in the meeting.  

You need to see me if you are unable to attend this meeting as it is a state requirement that you attend one and there are other options being provided at local colleges which you can attend if you can't make it to the Worthington meeting.  Let me stress this again - this is a mandatory meeting for any students who want to participate in CC+ next year!

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