Sunday, September 9, 2018

Who Will You Thank?

I'm really excited about the event we will be doing tomorrow during lunches.  Tomorrow we will be pausing to say thank you to someone who has made a difference in our lives.  It doesn't have to be for something big - even the smallest acts of kindness make an impact on our hearts.  This celebration of the power of connection reminds all of us that it is important to recognize and appreciate the people who help us and also reminds each of us that we all have the power to make a difference!

I have spent a LOT of time thinking about who I want to thank... and truly, there are so many that it will be hard to select just 1 to thank and I think that is a good thing.  Do I thank the friend who listens to me complain ALL THE TIME when I am frustrated?  What about the person who helps me find my way when I am lost?  Should I thank the friend who helps me to brainstorm solutions when I can't figure out my next step?  Wait, I was focusing on support and thanking friends, but what about my family?  Do I thank my mom for all the times she took care of me and the amazing meals she makes?  Or should it be my sister who does all of my shopping for me since that is something I despise?  Or perhaps it should be my step-dad who would drive 5 hours to spend the weekend helping me do major yard work projects like trimming bushes and mulching?  Then, of course, I have my coworkers who do so much for me and for Lexi.  Ugh, Lexi!  I have to thank Lexi too for all of the love and joy she has brought to my life.  And yet I wouldn't even have Lexi if it wasn't for the support and encouragement of Ms. Adrean and the Counseling Center staff who welcomed the idea that I would be willing to do the work to train a therapy dog so maybe they're the ones I should acknowledge?  But wait, I would hate my job if it wasn't for my students so perhaps it is you who deserve the gratitude for helping to make me feel like my life has a purpose?

Do you see my crazy pattern of thoughts?  Truly, I am so lucky and I am so grateful to all of them and so many, many more.  I should tell people more often how thankful I am to them.  I should express how much of an impact that a hug, an encouraging note, a humorous picture quote, or people believing in me has meant in my life, but I know I don't do a good job of that.  Perhaps that is a strength for you.  But if it isn't, I hope you will still make a concentrated effort tomorrow to select at least 1 person to thank.

Hopefully you have heard the announcements and know this, but what will happen is that we will have an area set up in the commons tomorrow during lunches with dry erase boards, markers, and selfie sticks.  You can write the name of the person you want to thank on the dry erase board, take your picture (and we'll take your picture too) and then post it with the message of "Thanks for being #ThereForMe" as a way to celebrate and appreciate the difference that someone has made in your life.  I hope you will join me in participating in this special event to recognize the powerful connection we share with those around us every day.

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