Monday, September 10, 2018


What an awesome day!  Today several hundred students and staff members took the time to thank someone (or multiple someones) who have been there to help them.  If you haven't seen the pictures - be sure to check them out on Twitter @wskhswolves or on Instragram @wkhs_counselors and be sure to follow both of those social media accounts.

I loved being able to watch as students realized that someone else had selected them as their person to thank and how often the other person would say, "no, but I'm thankful for you" and that is the reality.  Often times we think other people are there for us and that we need them (which is 100% true), but we don't always recognize that we are making a difference in the lives of those around us too... and it is powerful to remember that because we all have an impact on everyone that we interact with every day - and we are responsible for determining what kind of an impact (positive or negative) we will have.

Thank you to all of the students (and staff) who participated.  If you missed out on today's event, don't forget that you can always thank someone in person, with a note, or hop on social media and post your thanks with #thereforme because while the Kilbourne specific time of doing this has passed, it is a message which knows no bounds.

While we were celebrating the power of connection in big and small ways this is also the theme of this week's National Suicide Prevention week.  As a result, I'd like to remind you that by being willing to have real conversations and to be supportive and caring we can help eliminate isolation and feelings of insignificance which can impact many teens.  Each of you matter a great deal and if you are ever struggling with thoughts of not being good enough or feeling as if your life does not matter, please reach out and talk to me or some other adult that you trust.  I do not wnat anyone to ever feel alone with their hurtful thoughts.

I had posted the picture of me with Lexi earlier with our sign of thanking "My Amazing Students" along with several students seeing me taking the picture during lunch today and it resulted in several kids asking me why I'd say that I'm grateful for my students and how are they there for me.  Well, I have a secret for you - I get far more from working with you than you could ever get from me!  Really.  It's true.  You give me strength as I watch you overcome struggles.  You give me hope as you approach each new day.  You give me compassion as I watch you care for those around you.  You give me perspective as I watch you face your own life's difficulties and successes.  Each day, as you allow me to share in your lives, I benefit and become a better person.  You are #thereforme by living your life and coming to WKHS each day.  You are touching my heart in ways you cannot even begin to imagine and I am beyond thankful.  So yes, I absolutely say thanks for being #thereforme to all of my students. 

This is a busy week at WKHS.  Obviously, we had this event today during lunch.  Tomorrow is September 11th which has it's own significance, it is the welcome breakfast for those students who are new to the Worthington school district and it is also an 8 minute homeroom bell schedule.  Wednesday is the Naturalization Ceremony which is an awesome experience for those students who get to participate.  But to me, what stands out about all of these events is how much they are focused on honoring and celebrating the unique contributions of each person who makes up Kilbourne and our community.

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