Friday, May 11, 2018

Socratic Society & Arts in Action

I love all of the ways we celebrate students at WKHS.  A week ago we were able to induct more students into the Socratic Society and to honor the artistic contributions of our students.

Socratic Society:

Staff members are given the opportunity to recognize students for excellence in one or more of the core Socratic values of Scholarship, Integrity, Personal Effort, Compassion, or Lifelong Learning. Students are only eligible to be selected for this honor one time during their high school career.

A special congratulations to "my" students who were among those recognized this month! Zach Bailey, Jakob Binns, Joclyn Blake, Tori Blake, Josh Blankenship, Josh Bowen, Connor Burke, Emily Cline, Jack Corcoran, Ryan Cox, Cole Dyer, Margaret Dyer, Ben Eisel and Sandro Mikelashvilli.  I am proud of you all!

Arts in Action:

Arts in Action is always a fun day for WKHS students.  I hear you all talk about it in much the same way as elementary school kids talk about their end of the year field day fun.  And while it is meant to be fun, it is also a special way to showcase the many talents of the WKHS artists.  Kilbourne is certainly blessed with some amazing artists!  And I appreciate the fact that on Arts in Action day all the various art forms are celebrated and honored.  Throughout the day I was able to capture a few pictures of my students and our staff.

I am so impressed by all of your talents and I hope all of you - those who participated in or were recognized with artwork on display during Arts in Action and those who were inducted into the Socratic Society - know that YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE at WKHS!  Thank you for your positive contributions that make our school and community a better place!

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