Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Senior Details

For seniors, everything is winding down.  You have just 6 days of high school remaining!

Finish strong: If you are not doing well in your classes, please make sure you do everything that you need to do to pass your classes with the highest grades possible. Above all, please make sure that you pass all of your classes that are requirements for graduation!  If you are struggling I need for you to talk to your teachers and to me asap.

Final Transcript: When you graduate from WKHS and move on to college the college will want a copy of your final transcript showing your 2nd semester grades and the fact that you did graduate. As is always the case we cannot release your records without your express written permission. We are covering the fee for this for you, but you need to make sure that the information you turned in on the mandatory graduation/ final transcript form is accurate.  If you are one of my students who has changed their mind (and I know this has happened for a few), please make sure that you update our form regarding the college who should be receiving a copy of your transcript.

Fees/ Fines: Some students still have outstanding fees and fines that you owe to the school. It may be a very small fee for an overdue library book or it could be a much larger fee for a lost textbook, but either way, please make sure that all of your debt is paid in the next week so that you will be able to participate in the commencement ceremony.

Textbook/ Library Book Returns: You will need to turn in all of your textbooks as well as any library books that you still have. The book room will be open for you to return your textbooks after you have finished with your exams and are done with your books.

Submit your Commencement Agreement: If you have not turned in your commencement agreement form, you need to make sure that you get that turned in.  It requires both your signature and the signature of your parent.  Completed forms should be turned in to the co-curricular office.

Make sure you turned in everything else: In addition to paying your fees and submitting your commencement agreement, please double check to make sure you have submitted the other items that will help make your senior year memories special.  There are a few of you who haven't submitted your diploma presenter request forms yet and many who haven't turned in their senior pictures for the yearbook or your baby pictures for the baccalaureate celebration.  Do these things right away so that you are not left out!

Scholarship Thank You's: If you received a scholarship, don't forget the importance of writing a thank you note to the individual, group or organization who is providing you with the scholarship.

Stop by and see me: Selfishly, I would like to also add this to your list as I would love to have a few more minutes with you while you are still in high school. And, I haven't received many senior pictures this year, so please know that I would still love to have one! :-)

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