Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Week Ahead

This week has a lot of unique schedules and highlights.  This is Homecoming Week which means that there are a range of festivities and activities to celebrate and honor the tradition and experiences of high school at WKHS.

Here are some of the Homecoming highlights of what to expect this week:

Windows are painted in the commons - they look great. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to design and create the masterpieces.

- You have been voting for Homecoming Court and several of my students are among those nominated these include: Blair Andrews and Kayla Balemian for freshmen, Elizabeth Cantrell for sophomores, Maxim Estevez-Curtis and Demetrius Barlow for juniors, and Ava Burson, Kennedy Dauphin, and Charles Costello for seniors.

- Tomorrow (Monday) is Pajama Day.

-  Tuesday is 80's Day.

- Wednesday is USA Day and Wednesday night is the Bonfire at 7:30pm behind the school.  While there, homecoming attendants for grades 9 - 11 are announced and the senior king and queen candidates are reduced to 3 each.

-  Wednesday is also the PSAT testing day.  This means that all 9th and 10th graders (and hopefully most of the 11th graders) will be testing for the majority of the day.  After testing is over, 9th - 12th graders will all have a range of opportunities to select on how you will spend the rest of your day.  You will have a 30 minute rotation that takes you through lunch, time with us as your counselors, and a grade specific activity arranged by the administrators.  The final hour and a half will be the choices such as cleaning up the grounds volunteer work, quietly studying, assisting with homecoming decorations, etc.  Please note that there will not be any traditional classes held on Wednesday.  As I have mentioned previously, seniors, this is a great day to make college visits or set up job shadowing experiences since you won't have to miss out on classroom instruction.  

- Thursday is a Beach Day (school dress code still applies). 

-  Friday's theme is a Pink Out.  

-  On Friday, there will also be an assembly between 7th and 8th periods and that is where the Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned. The football game is Friday night  - a great opportunity to come out and support your wolves! 

- Saturday is the Homecoming Dance from 8:00 - 11:00pm.

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